I'll tell you what the media is not telling you. A secret language behind the ordinary language!
vrijdag 30 oktober 2015
Sam Sarpong dies at the age of 40
Sam Sarpong, former model and MTV co-host, dies at 40,
Sam = 33
Sam Sarpong = 123
Sam Sarpong = 1+1+4+1+1+9+7+6+5+7=42
MTV = 330 (3+3+0=33)
co-host = 3+6+8+6+1+2=26
God = 26
29/10/2015 = 29+10+20+15 = 74
29/10/2015 = 29+10+2+0+1+5 = 47
29/10/2015 = 2+9+1+0+2+0+1+5 = 20
29/10/2015 = 29+10+15 = 54
Lisa Respers France,
France = 47
Samuel Sarpong Jr,
SSJ = 48
Sam jumped from a bridge called Colorado Street Bridge,
Bridge = 2+9+9+4+7+5=36
Jumping = 1+3+4+7+9+5+7=36
CSB = 144
Medical = 47
Colorado Bridge = 3+6+3+6+9+1+4+6+2+9+9+4+7+5=74
Officer = 6+6+6+9+3+5+9=44
Kill = 44
Ed = 54
London = 74
Youngster = 144
Plague confirmed in Oregon teen
Plague confirmed in Oregon teen,
Plague = 7+3+1+7+3+5=26
God = 26
Oregon = 74
Teen = 44
Kill = 44
This is like a sacrifice god wants a teen from origin to be dead.
Debra Goldschmidt,
Debra Goldschmidt = 144
Date of today,
30/10/2015 = 30+10+20+15=75
30/10/2015 = 30+10+2+0+1+5=48
30/10/2015 = 3+0+1+0+2+0+1+5=12
30/10/2015 = 30+10+15=55
She talkes about symptoms,
Abdominal pain = 666
Oregon Health Authority,
Oregon = 74
Health = 54
Authority = 1+3+2+8+6+9+9+2+7=47
OHA = 144
Crook County Public Health Department,
Crook = 3+9+6+6+2=26
County = 3+6+3+5+2+7=26
public = 7+3+2+3+9+3=27
Health = 54/27
Department = 116/44
116 is also like 911
God = 26
kill = 44
21/10/2015 = 21+10+20+15=66
21/10/2015 = 21+10+2+0+1+5=39
21/10/2015 = 2+1+1+0+2+0+1+5=12
21/10/2015 = 21+10+15=46
Bend, Oregon = 2+5+5+4+0+6+9+5+7+6+5=54
New Mexico = 666
New Mexico = 5+5+5+4+5+6+9+3+6=48
Arizona = 84
Send Special Operations forces to Syria
You see "Special Operations force to Syria" see the uppercases " SOS "
By Barbara Starr and Jeremy Diamond,
Simple Gematria = Barbara Starr = 119 = BIG WAY = (9/11)
Simple Gematria = Barbara Starr = 47 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Jeremy = 31 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Diamond = 33 = SMALL WAY
English Gematria = JD = 84 = (8/4)
Date of today,
10 + 30 + 20 + 15 = 75
1 + 0 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 12
10 + 30 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 48
Kurdish-controlled territory,
English Gematria = Kurdish = 540 = (5 + 4 + 0 = 54)
Simple Gematria = controlled = 118 = BIG WAY = (Death = 118)
The Deployment,
Simple Gematria = Deployment = 48
Master Sgt. Joshua Wheeler,
Simple gematria = Master = 22 = SMALL WAY
Simple gematria = Sgt. = 10 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Joshua = 74 = BIG WAY
Simple Gematria = Joshua = 20 = SMALL WAY
English Gematria = Joshua = 444
Simple Gematria = Wheeler = 40 = SMALL WAY
His name is Josh Earnest
Josh Earnest = 44
Also like Kill
German Rapper from ISIS KILLED
Paul Cruickshank,
Simple Gematria = Paul = 16 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Cruickshank = 118 = BIG WAY = (Death = 118)
Date of today,
10 + 30 + 20 + 15 = 75
1 + 0 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 12
10 + 30 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 48
Simple Gematria = Rapper = 74 = BIG WAY
Simple Gematria = Rapper = 33 = SMALL WAY
Denis Cuspert also known as Abu Talha alAlmanim,
Simple Gematria = Denis Cuspert = 54 = SMALL WAY = (Obama's Age)
simple Gematria = Abu = 6 = SMALL WAY
simple Gematria = Talha = 15 = SMALL WAY
simple Gematria = alAlmani = 27 = SMALL WAY
simple Gematria = Abu talha alAlmani = 48 = SMALL WAY = (august 4th/obama)
had once gone by the name "Deso Dogg"
Simple Gematria = Deso = 43 = BIG WAY
Simple Gematria = Deso = 16 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Dogg = 33 = BIG WAY
Simple Gematria = Dogg = 24 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Berlin = 33 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Jihad = 32 = BIG WAY = (SMALL WAY = 23/refelection)
Simple Gematria = Islam = 54 = BIG WAY = (SMALL WAY = 18)
English Gematria = pro-Jihadi = 540 = (5 + 4 + 0 = 54)
Simple gematria = pro-Jihadi = 54 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Mohamed = 32 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Mahmoud = 30 = SMALL WAY
English Gematria = Mohamed Mahmoud = 804 = (8 + 0 + 4 = 84)
Simple Gematria = Austrian Jihadi = 144 = BIG WAY
Simple Gematria = Raqqa = 54
October 17th = (1 + 7 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 17) = (Also like the date)
Simple Gematria = al-Tabqa = 54 = BIG WAY
Two days later
Date = November 1st = 1 + 11 + 20 + 15 = 47
Shaker Aamer returns home | Connection with Obama
Simple Gematria = Shaker = 26 = SMALLWAY
Simple Gematria = Aamer = 20 = SMALLWAY
Simple Gematria = Shaker Aamer = 100 = BIGWAY
Simple Gematria = Shaker Aamer = 46 = BIGWAY
God = 26
Simple Gematria = Gitmo = 28 = SMALL WAY
By Don Melvin, CNN
Simple Gematria = Don = 33 = BIG WAY
Jewish Gematria = Melvin = 804 = (8 + 0 + 4 = 84) = (8/4)
Simple Gematria = Melvin = 30 = SMALL WAY (Date of today)
Simple Gematria = Don Melvin = 45 = SMALL WAY
Date of today,
10 + 30 + 20 + 15 = 75
1 + 0 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 12
10 + 30 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 48
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Simple Gematria = Guantanamo Bay = 45 = SMALL WAY
Jewish Gematria = Cuba = 206 = (2 + 0 + 6 = 26)
Simple Gematria = Cuba = 9 = SMALL WAY = (26 + 9 = 54) = (Age of OBAMA!)
He was an aide of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden,
Simple Gematria = Osama bin laden = 47 = SMALL WAY
Look at the time of the video?? (54)
Plane catches fire on runway at Fort Lauderdale airport
Simple Gematria = Fort = 23 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Lauderdale = 38 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Fort Lauderdale Airport = 239
Eliott C. McLaughlin
Simple Gematria = Eliot C. = 84 = BIG WAY = August 4th (birtday of Obama)
English Gematria = Eliot C. = 504 = 54 = Obama is 54 years old
Simple Gematria = Eliot C. = 30 = SMALL WAY = Date from today
English Gematria = NTSB = 330 = 33(Alot like 3 + 3 + 0)
Simple Gematria = Takeoff = 28 = SMALL WAY = (2 + 1 + 2 + 5 + "6 + 6 + 6" see the 666?)
Boeing 767
Jewish Gematria = Boeing = 113
Simple Gematria = Boeing = 34 = SMALL WAY = (reverse 43, 43 flights where cancelled)
Simple Gematria = Thursday = 116 = (911 reverse)
Simple Gematria = Florida = 38 = SMALL WAY (I see alots of 38)
Simple Gematria = Hollywood = 48 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Caracas, Venezuela = 58 = SMALL WAY
English Gematria = Caracas = 666
Dynamic International Airways Flight 405
Simple Gematria = Dynamic = 33 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Airways = 96 = BIG WAY (Freemason = 96)
Simple Gematria = Airways = 33 = SMALL WAY
Federal Aviation Administration(FAA)
English Gematria = FAA = 48 = (August, 4th)
The fire occurred about 12:30 p.m. on the airport's north runway.
12:30 = 123
Mike Dupuy, a witness
Jewish Gematria = Mike = 54
Simple Gematria = Mike = 38 = BIG WAY
Simple Gematria = Mike = 20 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Dupuy = 24 = SMALL WAY (20 + 24 = 44) = (KILL = 44)
Also obama is the 44th president of United States Of America
Erin Burnett OutFront,
Simple Gematria = Erin = 28 SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Burnett = 28 SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = EBOF = 28 BIGWAY
Two Minutes and Six Minutes = 26
Simple Gematria = God = 26
Sheriff's office Mike Jachles
Jewish Gematria = Mike = 54
Simple Gematria = Mike = 54 = BIG WAY
Simple Gematria = Jachles = 22 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Mike Jachles = 96 = BIG WAY = (Freemason = 96)
Joel Braunold who took the picture,
Simple Gematria = Braunold = 33 = SMALL WAY
Look at his share button "54" (Obama is 54 years old)
ISIS: It's not Call of Duty
What is the differents between "BIG WAY" and "SMALL WAY"???
For Example: "Michael", Michael has a Simple Gematria name of 51.
Thats: 13 + 9 + 3 + 8 + 1 + 5 + 12 = 51, this is the big way.
if we do the small way we reduce the numbers:
13 becomes "4": 1 + 3 = 4 and 12 becomes "3": 1 + 2 = 3,
so you get 4 + 9 + 3 +8 + 1 + 5 + 3 = "33"
Simple Gematria = Call of Duty = 119 = BIG WAY
Jewish Gematria = Call of Duty = 804 = 8 + 0 + 4 = 84
Jewish Gematria = Obama = 84
Barack Obama, was born at August 4th = 8/4
Barack Obama is the 44th president
Simple Gematria = Kill = 44
For more info go to youtube find Zachary K Hubbard
Simple Gematria = ISIS = 20/56
Posted by, Tim Lister
Simple Gematria = Tim Lister = 125 = BIG WAY
Simple Gematria = Tim Lister = 2 + 9 + 4 + 3 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 9 = '44' = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Kill = 44
Posted also by, Clarissa Ward
Simple Gematria = Clarissa Ward = 128 = BIG WAY
Simple Gematria = Clarissa Ward = 3 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 4 = 47 = SMALL WAY
Examples what 74 means en the reverse 47,
Simple Gematria = Jesus = 74
Simple Gematria = Cross = 74
Simple Gematria = Lucifer = 74
Simple Gematria = Joshua = 74
Simple Gematria = Muhammad = 74
Jesus was crucified at the cross of age 33.
What i sad at my first post that 33 is a important number. Almost all names got 33 as number
The number 74 is important if you look at Jesus his name is 74
if you take the reflection of 74 you will get 47.
Jesus was a christian
Simple Gematria = Christian = 47 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Republican = 47 = SMALL WAY
This is with most every word Example:
Simple Gematria = Fruit = 74
Simple Gematria = Candy = 47
Date of Today = 10 + 30 + 20 + 15 = 75
Date of Today = 10 + 30 + 2 + 0 + 1 +5 = 48
Date of Today = 3 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 12
Randy Red Roberts
Simple Gematria = Randy = 26 = Small Way
Simple Gematria = Red = 18 = Small Way
Simple Gematria = Roberts = 34 = Small Way
Jewish Gematria = Roberts = 407 = 4 + 0 + 7 = 47
He is now Fighting in YPG
Simple Gematria = YPG = 48 alot like the date of today
Robert is talking about Shia and Yazidi
Simple Gematria = Shia Yazidi = 111
English Gematria = Shia Yazidi = 666
English Gematria = Yazidi = 444
Simple Gematria = Yazidi = 38/74
Jewish Gematria = Yazidi = 923
923 is also a weird number because that number was in a lot of movies
you saw it on the news and it also can be written as 9/23 (September 23th)
If you want to see more video's about that i recommend watching Zachary K Hubbard
CNN sas that a foreign fighter was killed named as, Keith Broomfield he comes
from Massachusetts. And a 23 year old Australian Reece Harding was also killed.
Simple Gematria = Keith = 26 = Small way
Simple Gematria = Broomfield = 54 = Small Way
Simple Gematria = Massachusetts = 33 = Small Way
Simple Gematria = Australian = 116 = Turned = 911
Simple Gematria = Reece = 27/36
Barrack Obama is 54 years old
Simple Gematria = God = 26
For Example: "Michael", Michael has a Simple Gematria name of 51.
Thats: 13 + 9 + 3 + 8 + 1 + 5 + 12 = 51, this is the big way.
if we do the small way we reduce the numbers:
13 becomes "4": 1 + 3 = 4 and 12 becomes "3": 1 + 2 = 3,
so you get 4 + 9 + 3 +8 + 1 + 5 + 3 = "33"
Simple Gematria = Call of Duty = 119 = BIG WAY
Jewish Gematria = Call of Duty = 804 = 8 + 0 + 4 = 84
Jewish Gematria = Obama = 84
Barack Obama, was born at August 4th = 8/4
Barack Obama is the 44th president
Simple Gematria = Kill = 44
For more info go to youtube find Zachary K Hubbard
Simple Gematria = ISIS = 20/56
Posted by, Tim Lister
Simple Gematria = Tim Lister = 125 = BIG WAY
Simple Gematria = Tim Lister = 2 + 9 + 4 + 3 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 9 = '44' = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Kill = 44
Posted also by, Clarissa Ward
Simple Gematria = Clarissa Ward = 128 = BIG WAY
Simple Gematria = Clarissa Ward = 3 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 4 = 47 = SMALL WAY
Examples what 74 means en the reverse 47,
Simple Gematria = Jesus = 74
Simple Gematria = Cross = 74
Simple Gematria = Lucifer = 74
Simple Gematria = Joshua = 74
Simple Gematria = Muhammad = 74
Jesus was crucified at the cross of age 33.
What i sad at my first post that 33 is a important number. Almost all names got 33 as number
The number 74 is important if you look at Jesus his name is 74
if you take the reflection of 74 you will get 47.
Jesus was a christian
Simple Gematria = Christian = 47 = SMALL WAY
Simple Gematria = Republican = 47 = SMALL WAY
This is with most every word Example:
Simple Gematria = Fruit = 74
Simple Gematria = Candy = 47
Date of Today = 10 + 30 + 20 + 15 = 75
Date of Today = 10 + 30 + 2 + 0 + 1 +5 = 48
Date of Today = 3 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 12
Randy Red Roberts
Simple Gematria = Randy = 26 = Small Way
Simple Gematria = Red = 18 = Small Way
Simple Gematria = Roberts = 34 = Small Way
Jewish Gematria = Roberts = 407 = 4 + 0 + 7 = 47
He is now Fighting in YPG
Simple Gematria = YPG = 48 alot like the date of today
Robert is talking about Shia and Yazidi
Simple Gematria = Shia Yazidi = 111
English Gematria = Shia Yazidi = 666
English Gematria = Yazidi = 444
Simple Gematria = Yazidi = 38/74
Jewish Gematria = Yazidi = 923
923 is also a weird number because that number was in a lot of movies
you saw it on the news and it also can be written as 9/23 (September 23th)
If you want to see more video's about that i recommend watching Zachary K Hubbard
CNN sas that a foreign fighter was killed named as, Keith Broomfield he comes
from Massachusetts. And a 23 year old Australian Reece Harding was also killed.
Simple Gematria = Keith = 26 = Small way
Simple Gematria = Broomfield = 54 = Small Way
Simple Gematria = Massachusetts = 33 = Small Way
Simple Gematria = Australian = 116 = Turned = 911
Simple Gematria = Reece = 27/36
Barrack Obama is 54 years old
Simple Gematria = God = 26
A new Cold War
"New Cold War" = 118
Death = 118
a new Cold War = 47/119
119 is also like "911"
You see the uppercase at "C" and "W"
CW = 26
God = 26
Also "Michael" = 4 + 9 +3 + 8 + 1 + 5 + 3 = 33
Rhetoric = 96
Freemason = 96
For the people who dont know what this is. What you are seeing in the mainstreammedia is 90 % a hoax. All our words that we use is al decoded. It is "Gematria". If you want to see more video's of what a mean watch Zachary K Hubbard at Youtube he is really good in explaining what Gematria is. This is not fake i also didn't believed it but if you watch 2 video's you wil see that i am right and that what you see on television and the news is not real. Also in the NBA, NFL sports all the matches that we see are all rigged by the number. Celebrity's too. 33 Is a special number in this Gematria and if you take all the famous artist 90 % of all there names are equal to 33.
Example: Michael Jackson, Michael equals: 33
Example: Beyonce, Beyonce equals: 33
Example: Kanye West, Kanye West equals: 33
Example: Tupac Shakur, Shakur equals: 33
And go on!
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